Most Popular Movies 2013

This chart shows the 2013 movie releases that have attracted the most interest on The Numbers web site over the past 24 hours. A share of 100 corresponds to 1 percent of the total views for all 2013 releases.

See also: Domestic Release Schedule for 2013 - Top 2013 Worldwide

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Gravity poster
Domestic BO:
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Dr. Ryan Stone is a brilliant medical engineer on her first shuttle mission, with veteran astronaut Matt Kowalski in command. But on a seemingly routine mission, disaster strikes. The shuttle is destroyed, leaving Stone and Kowalski completely alone—tethered to nothing but each other and spiraling out into the blackness. The deafening silence tells them they have lost any link to Earth… and any chance for rescue. As fear turns to panic, every gulp of air eats away at what little oxygen is left. But the only way home may be to go further out into the terrifying expanse of space.

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Frozen poster


Fearless optimist Anna sets off on an epic journey—teaming up with rugged mountain man Kristoff and his loyal reindeer Sven—to find her sister Elsa, whose icy powers have trapped the kingdom of Arendelle in eternal winter. Encountering Everest-like conditions, mystical trolls and a hilarious snowman named Olaf, Anna and Kristoff battle the elements in a race to save the kingdom.

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Ender's Game poster
Ender’s Game
Director: Gavin Hood
Lead Roles: Asa Butterfield as Ender Wiggin, Harrison Ford as Colonel Hyrum Graff, Hailee Steinfeld as Petra Arkanian, Viola Davis as Major Anderson, Abigail Breslin as Valentine Wiggin, Ben Kingsley as Mazer Rackham
Initial Theatrical Release: October 25, 2013 (Wide), released as Ender's Game (United Kingdom)
Keywords: Alien Invasion, Surprise Twist, Coming of Age, Military Life, New Guy/Girl in School, Child Prodigy, Motion Capture Performance, IMAX: DMR, Action Adventure
Classification: Based on Fiction Book/Short Story, Adventure, Live Action, Science Fiction
Domestic BO:
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In the near future, a hostile alien race (called the Formics) have attacked Earth. If not for the legendary heroics of International Fleet Commander Mazer Rackham, all would have been lost. In preparation for the next attack, the highly esteemed Colonel Hyrum Graff and the International Military are training only the best young children to find the future Mazer. Ender Wiggin, a shy, but strategically brilliant boy is pulled out of his school to join the elite. Arriving at Battle School, Ender quickly and easily masters increasingly difficult war games, distinguishing himself and winning respect amongst his peers. Ender is soon ordained by Graff as the military's next great hope, resulting in his promotion to Command School. Once there, he's trained by Mazer Rackham himself, to lead his fellow soldiers into an epic battle that will determine the future of Earth and of the human race.

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Kaze Tachinu poster
The Wind Rises (風立ちぬ)
Director: Hayao Miyazaki
Lead Roles: Hideaki Anno as Jiro Horikoshi, Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Jiro Horikoshi (U.S. Version), Emily Blunt as Nahoko Satomi (U.S. Version)
Initial Theatrical Release: July 20, 2013 (Wide), released as The Wind Rises (International title) (Japan)
Keywords: Dream Sequence, Romance, Anime, Tuberculosis, Disaster, Terminal Illness, Inspired by a True Story, World War II, Anti-war, Historical Drama
Classification: Based on Fiction Book/Short Story, Drama, Digital Animation, Historical Fiction
Domestic BO:
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Jirou dreams of flying and designing beautiful airplanes, inspired by the famous Italian aeronautical designer Caproni. Nearsighted from a young age and thus unable to become a pilot, Jirou joins the aircraft division of a major Japanese engineering company in 1927. His genius is soon recognized, and he grows to become one of the world's most accomplished airplane designers. Key historical events deeply affected the course of Jirou's life, including the great Kanto earthquake of 1923, the Great Depression, the tuberculosis epidemic, and Japan's plunge into war. He meets and falls in love with Naoko, grows and cherishes his friendship with his colleague Honjou, and innovates tremendously, leading the aviation world into the future.

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Pacific Rim poster
Pacific Rim
Director: Guillermo del Toro
Lead Roles: Charlie Hunnam as Ralaigh Becket, Idris Elba as Stacker Pentecost, Rinko Kikuchi as Mako Mori
Initial Theatrical Release: July 11, 2013 (Wide) (Ukraine)
Keywords: End of the World, Visual Effects, Robot, Kaiju, Creature Feature, Lovecraftian, Prologue, Voiceover/Narration, 3-D, Mecha, Survivor's Guilt, 3-D - Post-production Conversion, IMAX: DMR, Action Adventure
Classification: Original Screenplay, Action, Live Action, Science Fiction
Domestic BO:
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When legions of monstrous creatures, known as Kaiju, started rising from the sea, a war began that would take millions of lives and consume humanity's resources for years on end. To combat the giant Kaiju, a special type of weapon was devised: massive robots, called Jaegers, which are controlled simultaneously by two pilots whose minds are locked in a neural bridge. But even the Jaegers are proving nearly defenseless in the face of the relentless Kaiju. On the verge of defeat, the forces defending mankind have no choice but to turn to two unlikely heroes-a washed up former pilot and an untested trainee -who are teamed to drive a legendary but seemingly obsolete Jaeger from the past. Together, they stand as mankind's last hope against the mounting apocalypse.

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Fast and Furious 6 poster
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The Lone Ranger poster
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Native American warrior Tonto recounts the tales that transformed John Reid, a man of the law, into a legend of justice, as the two unlikely heroes must learn to work together and fight against greed and corruption.

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Man of Steel poster
Domestic BO:
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A young boy learns that he has extraordinary powers and is not of this Earth. As a young man, he journeys to discover where he came from and what he was sent here to do. But the hero in him must emerge if he is to save the world from annihilation and become the symbol of hope for all mankind.

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Oz the Great and Powerful poster
Oz the Great and Powerful
Director: Sam Raimi
Lead Roles: James Franco as Oz, Mila Kunis as Theodora/Wicked Witch of the West, Rachel Weisz as Evanora, Michelle Williams as Annie/Glinda, Zach Braff as Frank/Finley, Joey King as Girl in Wheelchair/China Girl
Initial Theatrical Release: March 8, 2013 (Wide) by Walt Disney
Keywords: Prequel, Stage Magician, Visual Effects, 3-D, Good vs. Evil, Romance, Relationships Gone Wrong, Revenge, Witches, Motion Capture Performance, IMAX: DMR, Family Adventure
Classification: Spin-Off, Adventure, Animation/Live Action, Fantasy
Domestic BO:
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Oscar Diggs, a small-time circus magician with dubious ethics, is hurled away from dusty Kansas to the vibrant Land of Oz. There, Oscar thinks he’s hit the jackpot—fame and fortune are his for the taking—that is until he meets three witches, Theodora, Evanora and Glinda, who are not convinced he is the great wizard everyone’s been expecting. Reluctantly drawn into the epic problems facing the Land of Oz and its inhabitants, Oscar must find out who is good and who is evil before it is too late. Putting his magical arts to use, along with some ingenuity—and even a bit of wizardry—Oscar transforms himself not only into the great wizard but into a better man as well.

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The Counselor poster
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A respected lawyer's one-time dalliance with an illegal business deal spirals out of control.

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The Wolverine poster
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The Heat poster
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FBI Special Agent Sarah Ashburn—the Fed—and Boston cop Shannon Mullins—the Fuzz—couldn’t be more incompatible. But when they join forces to bring down a ruthless drug lord, they become the last thing anyone expected: buddies.

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Director: Anthony C. Ferrante
Lead Roles: John Heard as George
Video Release Date: September 3, 2013 by The Asylum
Keywords: Animal Lead, Animals Gone Bad, Extreme Weather, Intentional B Movie , TV Premiere, Cult Movie
Classification: Original Screenplay, Horror, Live Action, Science Fiction

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42 poster
Director: Brian Helgeland
Lead Roles: Chadwick Boseman as Jackie Robinson, Harrison Ford as Branch Rickey
Initial Theatrical Release: April 12, 2013 (Wide) by Warner Bros.
Keywords: Baseball, Bigotry, Discrimination, African Americans, Biography, Inspirational Sports, Biographical Drama
Classification: Based on Real Life Events, Drama, Live Action, Dramatization
Domestic BO:
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In 1947, Branch Rickey put himself at the forefront of history when he signed Jackie Robinson to the Brooklyn Dodgers, breaking Major League Baseball's infamous color line. But the deal also put both Robinson and Rickey in the firing line of the public, the press and other players. Facing blatant racism from every side, even his own team, Robinson was forced to demonstrate tremendous courage and restraint by not reacting in kind, knowing that any incident could destroy his and Rickey's hopes. Instead, Number 42 let his talent on the field do the talking - ultimately winning over fans and his teammates, silencing his critics, and paving the way for others to follow. In 1997, Major League Baseball retired the number 42 for all teams, making it the first number in sports to be universally retired. The only exception is every year on April 15th - Jackie Robinson Day - commemorating the date of his first game as a Brooklyn Dodger. On that day alone, players from every team proudly wear the number 42 to honor the man who altered the course of history..

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The World's End poster
The World's End
Director: Edgar Wright
Lead Roles: Nick Frost as Andy Knightley, Simon Pegg as Gary King, Paddy Considine as Steven Prince, Martin Freeman as Oliver Chamberlain, Eddie Marsan as Peter Page, Rosamund Pike as Sam Chamberlain
Initial Theatrical Release: July 19, 2013 (Wide) (United Kingdom)
Keywords: Voiceover/Narration, Prologue, Intertitle, Twins, Robot, Alien Invasion, Epilogue, Mid-Life Crisis, One Night, End of the World, Non-Chronological, Screenplay Written By the Star, Suicide Attempt, Action Comedy
Classification: Original Screenplay, Comedy, Live Action, Science Fiction
Domestic BO:
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20 years after attempting an epic pub crawl, five childhood friends reunite when one of them becomes hellbent on trying the drinking marathon again. They are convinced to stage an encore by Gary King, a 40-year-old man trapped at the cigarette end of his teens, who drags his reluctant pals to their hometown and once again attempts to reach the fabled pub - The World's End. As they attempt to reconcile the past and present, they realize the real struggle is for the future, not just theirs but humankind's. Reaching The World’s End is the least of their worries.

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World War Z poster
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United Nations employee Gerry Lane traverses the world in a race against time to stop a pandemic that is toppling armies and governments and threatening to decimate humanity itself.

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Star Trek Into Darkness poster
Star Trek Into Darkness
Director: J.J. Abrams
Lead Roles: John Cho as Hikaru Sulu, Benedict Cumberbatch as John Harris, Alice Eve as Dr. Carol Marcus, Simon Pegg as Scotty, Chris Pine as Captain Kirk, Zoe Saldana as Nyota Uhura, Zachary Quinto as Spock, Karl Urban as Leonard "Bones" McCoy
Initial Theatrical Release: May 15, 2013 (Sneak Peek) by Paramount Pictures
Keywords: Genetic Engineering, Surprise Twist, Secret Agent, Secret Identity, Terrorism, Government Corruption, Ensemble, Prologue, Intertitle, Humans as Aliens, Invented Language, 3-D, 3-D - Post-production Conversion, IMAX: DMR, Action Adventure
Classification: Based on TV, Adventure, Live Action, Science Fiction
Domestic BO:
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In the wake of a shocking act of terror from within their own organization, the crew of The Enterprise is called back home to Earth. In defiance of regulations and with a personal score to settle, Captain Kirk leads his crew on a manhunt to capture an unstoppable force of destruction and bring those responsible to justice. As our heroes are propelled into an epic chess game of life and death, love will be challenged, friendships will be torn apart, and sacrifices must be made for the only family Kirk has left: his crew

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American Hustle poster
American Hustle
Director: David O. Russell
Lead Roles: Christian Bale as Irving Rosenfeld, Amy Adams as Sydney Prosser, Bradley Cooper as Richie Dimaso, Jeremy Renner as Carmine Polito, Jennifer Lawrence as Rosalyn Rosenfeld
Initial Theatrical Release: December 12, 2013 (Wide) (Australia)
Keywords: FBI, Confidence Men, Undercover, Mafia, 2014 Oscars Best Picture Nominee, Golden Globe Winner Best Picture—Musical or Comedy, Black Comedy
Classification: Based on Real Life Events, Black Comedy, Live Action, Dramatization
Domestic BO:
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A fictional film set in the alluring world of one of the most stunning scandals to rock our nation, American Hustle tells the story of brilliant con man Irving Rosenfeld (Christian Bale), who along with his equally cunning and seductive British partner Sydney Prosser is forced to work for a wild FBI agent Richie DiMaso. DiMaso pushes them into a world of Jersey powerbrokers and mafia that's as dangerous as it is enchanting. Jeremy Renner is Carmine Polito, the passionate, volatile, New Jersey political operator caught between the con-artists and Feds. Irving's unpredictable wife Rosalyn (Jennifer Lawrence) could be the one to pull the thread that brings the entire world crashing down. Like David O. Russell's previous films, American Hustle defies genre, hinging on raw emotion, and life and death stakes

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The Croods poster
Domestic BO:
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The Croods is a 3D comedy adventure that follows the world's first modern family as they embark on a journey of a lifetime when the cave that has always been their home, is destroyed. Traveling across a spectacular landscape, the Croods are rocked by generational clashes and seismic shifts as they discover an incredible new world filled with fantastic creatures -- and their outlook is changed forever.

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R.I.P.D. poster
Domestic BO:
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Veteran sheriff Roy Pulsifer has spent his career with the legendary police force known as R.I.P.D. tracking monstrous spirits who are cleverly disguised as ordinary people. His mission? To arrest and bring to justice a special brand of criminals trying to escape final judgment by hiding among the unsuspecting on Earth. Once Roy is assigned former rising-star detective Nick Walker as his junior officer, the new partners have to turn grudging respect into top-notch teamwork. When they uncover a plot that could end life as we know it, two of R.I.P.D.’s finest must miraculously restore the cosmic balance… or watch the tunnel to the afterlife begin sending angry souls the very wrong way.

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Inside Llewyn Davis poster
Inside Llewyn Davis
Director: Joel Coen, Ethan Coen
Lead Roles: Oscar Isaac as Llewyn Davis
Initial Theatrical Release: November 6, 2013 (Wide) (Belgium)
Keywords: Musicians, Big Break, Music Industry, Folk Music, Comedy Drama, 1960s, Abortion, Relationships Gone Wrong, Missing Pet
Classification: Based on Factual Book/Article, Drama, Live Action, Historical Fiction
Domestic BO:
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Llewyn Davis is at a crossroads. Guitar in tow, huddled against the unforgiving New York winter, he is struggling to make it as a musician against seemingly insurmountable obstacles - some of them of his own making. Living at the mercy of both friends and strangers, scaring up what work he can find, Llewyn's misadventures take him from the basket houses of the village to an empty Chicago club - on an odyssey to audition for music mogul Bud Grossman - and back again.

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The Conjuring poster
The Conjuring
Director: James Wan
Lead Roles: Vera Farmiga as Lorraine Warren
Initial Theatrical Release: July 18, 2013 (Wide) (New Zealand)
Keywords: Haunting, Paranormal Investigation, Based on an UNTRUE Story, Possessed, Voiceover/Narration, Prologue, Intertitle, Exorcism, Sleepwalking, Supernatural Horror
Classification: Original Screenplay, Horror, Live Action, Fantasy
Domestic BO:
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Before there was Amityville, there was Harrisville. World-renowned paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren are called upon to help a family terrorized by a dark presence in a secluded farmhouse. Forced to confront a powerful demonic entity, the Warrens find themselves caught in the most horrifying case of their lives.

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The Package
The Package
Director: Jesse V. Johnson
Initial Theatrical Release: February 15, 2013 (Limited) by Anchor Bay Entertainment
Classification: Original Screenplay, Action, Live Action, Contemporary Fiction
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The Christmas Candle poster
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Now You See Me poster
Now You See Me
Director: Louis Leterrier
Lead Roles: Jesse Eisenberg as J. Daniel Atlas, Mark Ruffalo as Dylan Rhodes, Woody Harrelson as Merritt McKinney, Isla Fisher as Henley Reeves, Dave Franco as Jack Wilder, Mélanie Laurent as Alma Dray, Morgan Freeman as Thaddeus Bradley, Michael Caine as Arthur Tressler
Initial Theatrical Release: May 31, 2013 (Wide) by Lionsgate
Keywords: Stage Magician, Heist, Police Procedural, Class Warfare, White Collar Crime, Revenge, Surprise Twist, Crime Thriller
Classification: Original Screenplay, Thriller/Suspense, Live Action, Contemporary Fiction
Domestic BO:
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The Four Horsemen, a magic super-group led by the charismatic J.Daniel Atlas, perform a pair of high-tech, high-profile magic shows, first amazing audiences by remotely robbing a Paris bank while in Las Vegas, and then exposing a white-collar criminal and funneling his millions into the audience members' bank accounts, baffling the authorities with their intricately planned capers. FBI Special Agent Dylan Rhodes is determined to make the magicians pay for their crimes—and to stop them before they pull off what promises to be an even more audacious heist. But he's forced to partner with Alma, an Interpol detective about whom he is instantly suspicious. Out of desperation, he turns to Thaddeus Bradley, a famed magic debunker, who claims the Paris bank trick was actually a meticulously planned illusion. Dylan and Alma begin to wonder if the Horsemen have an outside point person. If so, finding him would be the key to ending the magicians' crime spree. But who could it be? Or could it really be... magic? As pressure mounts and the world awaits the Horsemen's spectacular final trick, Dylan and Alma race to stay one step ahead of the magicians. But it soon becomes clear that outmaneuvering these masters of illusion is beyond the skills of any one man - or woman.

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