Most Popular Movies 2000

This chart shows the 2000 movie releases that have attracted the most interest on The Numbers web site over the past 24 hours. A share of 100 corresponds to 1 percent of the total views for all 2000 releases.

See also: Domestic Release Schedule for 2000 - Top 2000 Worldwide

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The Emperor's New Groove
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Arrogant young Emperor Kuzco is transformed into a llama by his power-hungry advisor — the devious diva Yzma. Stranded in the jungle, Kuzco’s only chance to get back home and reclaim the high life rests with a good-hearted peasant named Pacha. Together, they must return Kuzco to the throne before Yzma tracks them down and finishes him off.

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Remember the Titans
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In Virginia, high school football is a way of life, an institution revered, each game celebrated more lavishly than Christmas, each playoff distinguished more grandly than any national holiday. And with such recognition, comes powerful emotions. In 1971 high school football was everything to the people of Alexandria. But when the local school board was forced to integrate an all black school with an all white school, the very foundation of football’s great tradition was put to the test.

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The Kid
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Successful, high-powered Russ Duritz has spent all of his incredibly empty life forgetting the child he used to be — until one day, he meets him face-to-face! Thinking this kid is a hallucination, Russ does everything he can to make him go away. But 8-year-old Rusty, who’s anything but happy that he grows up to be a loser without real meaning in his life, can’t leave — at least not yet.

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This is the story of Aladar, an iguanodon dinosaur raised by a family of lemurs. Their world is turned upside-down however, when meteors strike, turning their green world into a desert wasteland. Teaming up with a herd of other herbivores, the trek is on to find the “Nesting Ground” where water and vegetation is bountiful… but with carnivores behind them and nothing but desert around for miles, it doesn’t look promising!

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Final Destination
Final Destination
Director: James Wong
Lead Roles: Devon Sawa as Alex Browning, Ali Larter as Clear Rivers
Initial Theatrical Release: March 17, 2000 (Wide) by New Line
Keywords: Slasher Horror
Classification: Original Screenplay, Horror, Live Action, Contemporary Fiction
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Alex Browning, is embarking on a trip to Paris. Alex experiences a premonition — he sees the plane explode moments after leaving the ground. Alex insists that everyone get off the plane and 7 people including Alex, are forced to disembark. All watch as the plane actually explodes in a fireball. He and the other survivors have briefly cheated death, but will not be able to evade their fate for very long. One by one, these fugitives from fate fall victim to the grim reaper.

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Next Friday
Next Friday
Director: Steve Carr
Lead Roles: Ice Cube as Craig Jones
Initial Theatrical Release: January 12, 2000 (Wide) by New Line
Keywords: African Americans, Stoner Comedy, Revenge, Dysfunctional Family, Delayed Sequel, Narcotics, Money Troubles, Suburbs
Classification: Original Screenplay, Comedy, Live Action, Contemporary Fiction
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Cecil B. Demented
Director: John Waters
Initial Theatrical Release: August 11, 2000 (Limited) by Artisan
Keywords: Film Noir
Classification: Original Screenplay, Black Comedy, Live Action, Contemporary Fiction
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X-Men poster
Director: Bryan Singer
Lead Roles: Patrick Stewart as Xavier, Hugh Jackman as Logan/Wolverine, Ian McKellen as Magneto
Initial Theatrical Release: July 14, 2000 (Wide) by 20th Century Fox
Keywords: Visual Effects, Marvel Comics, Mutants, Terrorism, 2000s, High School, Set in New York, 1940s, Nazis, Action Adventure
Classification: Based on Comic/Graphic Novel, Action, Live Action, Super Hero
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Director: Hyun-seung Lee
Initial Theatrical Release: September 9, 2000 (Wide), released as Il Mare (South Korea)
Classification: Original Screenplay, Drama, Live Action, Historical Fiction
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Gladiator poster
Director: Ridley Scott
Lead Roles: Russell Crowe as Maximus
Initial Theatrical Release: May 4, 2000 (Wide) (Australia)
Keywords: Revenge, Posthumous Release, Oscars Best Picture Winner, 2001 Oscars Best Picture Nominee, Action Adventure
Classification: Original Screenplay, Action, Live Action, Historical Fiction
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Cast Away poster
Cast Away
Director: Robert Zemeckis
Lead Roles: Tom Hanks as Chuck Noland
Initial Theatrical Release: December 22, 2000 (Wide) by 20th Century Fox
Keywords: Marooned, Extreme Weather, 2000s, Lone Survivor, Survival Adventure
Classification: Original Screenplay, Adventure, Live Action, Contemporary Fiction
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Chuck Noland is a FedEx systems engineer whose personal and professional life are ruled by the clock. His fast-paced career takes him, often at a moment’s notice, to far-flung locales—and away from his girlfriend Kelly. Chuck’s manic existence abruptly ends when, after a plane crash, he becomes isolated on a remote island—cast away into the most desolate environment imaginable. Stripped of the conveniences of everyday life, he first must meet the basic needs of survival including water, food and shelter. Chuck, the consummate problem solver, eventually figures out how to sustain himself physically. Chuck begins his true journey, however, as he faces the emotional ordeal of isolation. After four years, Chuck returns to civilization as a profoundly changed man. He realizes that losing everything he ever had and thought important was the best thing that could ever have happened to him.

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The Watcher
Director: Joe Charbanic
Lead Roles: Keanu Reeves as Griffin
Initial Theatrical Release: September 8, 2000 (Wide) by Universal
Keywords: Serial Killer, Crime Thriller, FBI, Retirement, Out of Retirement, Kidnap, Rescue
Classification: Original Screenplay, Thriller/Suspense, Live Action, Contemporary Fiction
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Director: Guy Ritchie
Lead Roles: Benicio del Toro as Franky Four Fingers, Dennis Farina as Cousin Avi, Vinnie Jones as Bullet Tooth Tony, Brad Pitt as Mickey O'Neil, Rade Sherbedgia as Boris the Blade, Jason Statham as Turkish
Initial Theatrical Release: September 1, 2000 (Wide) (United Kingdom)
Keywords: Organized Crime, Boxing, Voiceover/Narration, Film Noir, Bare Knuckle Fighting, Underground / Illegal Fighting, Throwing a Fight / Match, Crime Caper
Classification: Original Screenplay, Black Comedy, Live Action, Contemporary Fiction
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Illegal boxing promoter Turkish convinces gangster Brick Top to offer bets on bare-knuckle boxer Mickey at his bookie business. When Mickey does not throw his first fight as agreed, an infuriated Brick Top demands another match. Meanwhile, gangster Frankie Four Fingers comes to place a bet for a friend with Brick Top’s bookies, as multiple criminals converge on a stolen diamond that Frankie has come to London to sell.

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American Tail: The Treasure of Manhattan Island

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Initial Theatrical Release: June 9, 2000 (Limited) by Sony Pictures Classics
Classification: Original Screenplay, Comedy, Live Action, Contemporary Fiction
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Director: M. Night Shyamalan
Lead Roles: Bruce Willis as David Dunne, Samuel L. Jackson as Elijah Price
Initial Theatrical Release: November 22, 2000 (Wide) by Walt Disney
Keywords: Surprise Twist, Epilogue, Origin Story, Crime Thriller, Vigilante, Disaster, Good vs. Evil, Wheelchair User
Classification: Original Screenplay, Thriller/Suspense, Live Action, Super Hero
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David Dunn, a man from a blue-collar neighborhood in Philadelphia emerges unharmed as the sole survivor of a devastating train accident. Enter Elijah Price, a mysterious stranger who offers a bizarre explanation as to why David escaped without a single scratch, an explanation that threatens to change David’s family and life forever.

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The Road to El Dorado poster
The Road to El Dorado
Director: Eric Bergeron, Don Paul
Lead Roles: Kevin Kline as Tulio (voice), Kenneth Branagh as Miguel (voice)
Initial Theatrical Release: March 31, 2000 (Wide) by Dreamworks SKG
Keywords: Chase Adventure, Road Trip, Gambling, Supernatural, Confidence Men, Set in South America, Human Sacrifice, 1500s
Classification: Original Screenplay, Adventure, Hand Animation, Kids Fiction
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The Perfect Storm
Director: Wolfgang Petersen
Lead Roles: George Clooney as Captain Billy Tyne, Diane Lane as Christina Cotter, William Fichtner as David "Sully" Sullivan
Initial Theatrical Release: June 30, 2000 (Wide) by Warner Bros.
Keywords: Visual Effects, Disaster, Extreme Weather, Biographical Drama
Classification: Based on Factual Book/Article, Drama, Live Action, Dramatization
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Gone in 60 Seconds
Director: Dominic Sena
Lead Roles: Nicolas Cage as Randall "Memphis" Raines, Angelina Jolie as Sara "Sway" Wayland
Initial Theatrical Release: June 9, 2000 (Wide) by Walt Disney
Keywords: Visual Effects, Heist, Car Chase, Action Thriller, Remake, Crime Boss, Kidnap, One Last Job
Classification: Based on Movie, Action, Live Action, Contemporary Fiction
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