Gys De Villiers

Query Failed: select mtr.movie_od_name as movie_od_name, mtr.movie_display_name as display_name, mtr.movie_technical_role_type_display_name as role_type, round(mfs.domestic_box_office*pow(.95,2014-year(mes.release_date)),0)/(if(movie.sequel,1,1))*(100-mtr.billing) as adjusted_box_office from movie_technical_role as mtr, movie_financial_summary as mfs, movie_extended_summary as mes, movie where mtr.movie_odid=movie.odid and mtr.movie_odid=mfs.movie_odid and mtr.movie_odid=mes.movie_odid and mfs.domestic_box_office>0 and person_odid=640530401 and !isnull(mtr.billing) order by adjusted_box_office desc limit 5; -- Out of resources when opening file './opusdata/movie_financial_summary.MYD' (Errcode: 24 - Too many open files)
Best known as a Supporting Actor based on credits in that role in 2 films, with $4,136,679 worldwide aggregate box office (rank #59,006)
Best-known acting roles: Pilot (Hector and the Search for Happiness)