This graph shows Mandy Moore’s score on our annual analysis of leading stars at the box office. The Star Score represents points assigned to each of the leading stars of the top 100 movies (based on box office) in the current year and two preceding years. For appearing in the number one movie in a year a star gets 100 points, the number two movie 99 points and so on..
Latest Ranking on Selected Box Office Record Lists
This week there are three Disney Blu-ray Double-Shots coming out. This includes one that I've previously reviewed on DVD, but two that I missed the first time around. Each film includes a major theatrical release, plus the direct-to-DVD sequels. How many of the theatrical releases are worth owning? Are any of the direct-to-DVD sequels worth picking up? Are the double-shots worth the money?
Cinderella first came out in 1950 at a time when Disney was in danger of going under. Had the film failed, so would the company. However, the film was an instant classic and a huge hit at the box office and not only saved the company, but allowed it to become the entertainment juggernaut it is today. Does the film live up to its reputation? And is its Blu-ray debut worth upgrading to?