Weekend prediction: Five Nights at Freddy’s set for second win on soft weekend

November 3, 2023

Five Nights at Freddy’s

Five Nights at Freddy’s should cruise to an easy win at the box office this weekend, even with a steep drop from its monster pre-Halloween opening.

Here’s what the model thinks that top 10 will look like.

Honestly, our model is probably being over-optimistic about Freddy’s chances this weekend, but there’s not much competition from new releases, and the returning films aren’t having spectacular holds.

Priscilla looks like the strongest new wide release, with our prediction based on its limited opening last weekend. Its reviews and audience response has been good enough that it should be getting good word of mouth.

The other new film likely to hit the top 10 is What Happens Next, although The Marsh King’s Daughter could make a surprise appearance too. It’s playing in just 1,055 theaters though, which will make it an uphill battle.

- The Numbers Business Report has box office predictions for all films being released over the next 12 months
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