"Accidental Death, Remake (Source)" Movies

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Box Office
Box Office
Jul 19, 2019The Lion King $260,000,000$191,770,759$543,638,043$1,646,106,779
Mar 26, 2004The Ladykillers $35,000,000$12,634,563$39,692,139$77,392,139
May 24, 2002Insomnia $46,000,000$20,930,169$67,263,182$113,622,499

Note: this list contains movies that match all selected keywords and one of each of the selected classifications.

Current Filters (Click to remove)

Accidental Death - Remake (Source)

Related Keywords (Click to add to filter)

Covering Up an Accidental Death2 - Ensemble2

Genres (Click to add to filter)

Adventure1 - Black Comedy1 - Thriller/Suspense1

Creative Types (Click to add to filter)

Contemporary Fiction2 - Kids Fiction1

Sources (Click to add to filter)

Based on Comic/Graphic Novel1 - Based on Factual Book/Article1 - Based on Fiction Book/Short Story37 - Based on Folk Tale/Legend/Fairytale1 - Based on Game1 - Based on Musical Group1 - Based on Play1 - Based on Poem1 - Based on Real Life Events11 - Based on Short Film1 - Based on TV3 - Compilation1 - Original Screenplay132

Production Methods (Click to add to filter)

Animation/Live Action1 - Live Action2

MPAA Ratings (Click to add to filter)

PG1 - R2