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The Numbers - Oscar Result Predictions
The Numbers - Box Office Data, Movie Stars, Idle Speculation
Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Full List of 2006 Oscar Winners

Every year since 1998, we've been asking you to predict who will win at the annual Academy Awards.

As usual, Numbers readers were impressively accurate in their predictions, this year picking 18 out of the 24 winners, including some very tight races - in particular for George Clooney's Best Supporting Actor win. However, for the second year running, we missed on the big prize. Readers predicted, by a large margin, that Brokeback Mountain would take the Best Picture award, but it was pipped on the night by Crash.

Our consolation prizes were a 5th straight year correctly predicting the winner of the Best Animated Feature, and scoring 100% in the actor categories for the second year running. As usual, the short films threw up the most surprises. Setting those categories aside, Numbers readers scored an impressive 17 out of 21.

We're currently running the numbers on the competition. We'll announce results later in the week. It's too early to be sure, but it looks as though you'll have had to predicted a lot of winners to be in with a chance.

Here's the complete list of this year's Oscar winners, along with the percentage of Numbers readers who predicted they would win in our Predict the Academy Awards competition.

Lines in bold below indicate where our predictions where spot on.

- Click here to see the complete Numbers vote tallies in each category.
- Click here for our predicted winners.

The Winners

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