Most Popular Movies 1943

This chart shows the 1943 movie releases that have attracted the most interest on The Numbers web site over the past 24 hours. A share of 100 corresponds to 1 percent of the total views for all 1943 releases.

See also: Domestic Release Schedule for 1943 - Top 1943 Worldwide

Most Popular Overall 1944 →
The Song of Bernadette
Director: Karen Arthur, Henry King
Lead Roles: Jennifer Jones as Bernadette Soubirous
Initial Theatrical Release: December 25, 1943 (Wide)
Keywords: Biographical Drama, Biography, Religious, 1800s, Poverty, Miracle, Set in France
Classification: Based on Factual Book/Article, Drama, Live Action, Dramatization
Domestic BO:

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Casablanca poster
Director: Michael Curtiz
Lead Roles: Humphrey Bogart as Rick Blaine, Ingrid Bergman as Ilsa Lund Laszlo
Initial Theatrical Release: January 23, 1943 (Limited) by Warner Bros.
Keywords: World War II, Film Noir, War, Romance, Resistance Fighter, Nazis, Immigration, Corrupt Cops, Romantic Drama
Classification: Based on Play, Drama, Live Action, Contemporary Fiction
Domestic BO:
International BO:

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Girl Crazy
Girl Crazy
Director: Norman Taurog, Busby Berkeley
Lead Roles: Mickey Rooney as Danny Churchill, Jr., Judy Garland as Ginger Gray
Initial Theatrical Release: November 26, 1943 (Wide)
Keywords: Romance, Comedy Musical, Backstage, Money Troubles
Classification: Based on Musical or Opera, Musical, Live Action, Contemporary Fiction
Domestic BO:

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Above Suspicion
Director: Richard Thorpe
Initial Theatrical Release: August 5, 1943 (Limited)
Classification: Thriller/Suspense, Live Action

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The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp
Director: Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger
Initial Theatrical Release: July 11, 1943 (Limited) (United Kingdom)
Classification: Original Screenplay, Drama, Live Action, Historical Fiction
International BO:

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This is the Army
Director: Michael Curtiz
Lead Roles: George Murphy as Jerry Jones, Joan Leslie as Eileen Dibble, Lt. Ronald Reagan as Johnny Jones
Initial Theatrical Release: August 14, 1943 (Wide)
Keywords: Comedy Musical, World War I, World War II, Father’s Footsteps, Dancing, Career-Ending Injury, Romance, Wedding Day, 1910s, 1940s
Classification: Based on Musical or Opera, Musical, Live Action, Contemporary Fiction
Domestic BO:

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A Guy Named Joe
Director: Victor Fleming
Lead Roles: Spencer Tracy as Major Peter 'Pete' Sandidge, Irene Dunne as Dorinda Durston
Initial Theatrical Release: December 24, 1943 (Wide) by MGM
Keywords: Romantic Drama, Romance, 1940s, Supernatural, Death of a Girlfriend / Boyfriend, One Last Job, In a Plane, Haunting, Friendly Ghost, Love Triangle, Remade, Heaven and Hell
Classification: Original Screenplay, Drama, Live Action, Contemporary Fiction
Domestic BO:

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