"Infidelity, Based on Factual Book/Article (Source)" Movies

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Box Office
Box Office
Nov 6, 2018The Front Runner $51,543$1,994,179$3,233,962
Dec 25, 2017Molly’s Game $30,000,000$2,349,967$28,780,744$53,296,424
Mar 31, 2017The Zookeeper’s Wife $20,000,000$3,288,835$17,445,186$26,308,749
Mar 25, 2016I Saw the Light $45,471$1,646,788$1,767,963
Dec 3, 2014Wild $15,000,000$606,810$37,880,356$52,460,543
Dec 25, 2013The Wolf of Wall Street $100,000,000$18,410,067$116,949,183$389,816,136
Sep 6, 2013Winnie Mandela $15,000,000$61,847$61,847$61,847
Dec 25, 2002Catch Me if You Can $52,000,000$30,082,000$164,606,800$355,612,291
Dec 8, 2000Proof of Life $65,000,000$10,207,869$32,598,931$62,761,005
Apr 23, 1999Pushing Tin $33,000,000$3,555,032$8,408,835$8,408,835
Jan 1, 1964The Fall of the Roman Empire $19,000,000$4,750,000$4,750,000

Note: this list contains movies that match all selected keywords and one of each of the selected classifications.

Current Filters (Click to remove)

Infidelity - Based on Factual Book/Article (Source)

Related Keywords (Click to add to filter)

Addiction2 - Biography5 - Dysfunctional Family5 - Narcotics2 - Non-Chronological4 - Political2 - Prostitution2 - Relationships Gone Wrong6 - Romance2 - Voiceover/Narration4

Genres (Click to add to filter)

Action1 - Black Comedy1 - Comedy1 - Drama8

Creative Types (Click to add to filter)

Contemporary Fiction2 - Dramatization9

Sources (Click to add to filter)

Based on Comic/Graphic Novel1 - Based on Fiction Book/Short Story144 - Based on Folk Tale/Legend/Fairytale3 - Based on Movie3 - Based on Musical or Opera4 - Based on Play25 - Based on Real Life Events27 - Based on Short Film5 - Original Screenplay397 - Remake9

Production Methods (Click to add to filter)

Live Action11

MPAA Ratings (Click to add to filter)

Not Rated1 - PG-132 - R8