Movie Comparison: Alien (1979)

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Similar movies (click to add): Ban-do (2020), Decoys (2004), The Signal (2008), Warlock (1991), The Fog (1980)

Popular comparisons (click to add): Alien: Resurrection (1997), Alien 3 (1992), Aliens (1986), Galaxy Quest (1999), Prometheus (2012)

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Domestic Release Date May 25, 1979
Production Budget $10,700,000
Opening Weekend Theaters 91
Maximum Theaters 1,750
Theatrical Engagements 12,118
Domestic Opening Weekend $3,522,581
Domestic Box Office $64,324,049
Inflation Adjusted
Domestic Box Office
International Box Office $122,631,433
Worldwide Box Office $186,955,482

  1. Daily Comparison
  2. Weekend Comparison
  3. Week Comparison
Opening Weekend $3,522,581 /
2nd Weekend $2,192,025 /
3rd Weekend $2,669,177 /
4th Weekend $2,240,772 /
5th Weekend $5,312,945 /
6th Weekend $4,560,137 /
7th Weekend $3,391,197 /
8th Weekend $2,777,042 /
9th Weekend $2,246,329 /
10th Weekend $1,816,627 /
11th Weekend $1,533,612 /
12th Weekend $1,301,922 /
13th Weekend $993,340 /
14th Weekend $957,284 /
15th Weekend $1,049,075 /
16th Weekend $649,505 /
17th Weekend $485,711 /
18th Weekend $540,887 /
19th Weekend $393,452 /
20th Weekend $286,282 /
Opening Week $4,758,638 /
2nd Week $3,623,507 /
3rd Week $4,300,753 /
4th Week $3,783,140 /
5th Week $8,312,008 /
6th Week $7,626,254 /
7th Week $5,334,535 /
8th Week $4,210,249 /
9th Week $3,566,295 /
10th Week $2,860,473 /
11th Week $2,414,912 /
12th Week $2,018,789 /
13th Week $1,542,198 /
14th Week $1,462,592 /
15th Week $1,269,842 /
16th Week $873,789 /
17th Week $655,978 /
18th Week $728,261 /
19th Week $522,438 /
20th Week - /

Note: A theatrical engagement is defined as the movie playing in a single theater for one week. So, for example, a film that plays in 3,000 theaters in its first week and 2,000 theaters in its second week will have had 5,000 theatrical engagements.