"Magical Technology, PG-13 (MPAA Rating)" Movies

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Box Office
Box Office
Jul 27, 2018Our House
Mar 30, 2018Status Update $319,211
Feb 16, 2018Black Panther $200,000,000$202,003,951$700,059,566$1,336,494,320
Sep 8, 2017Rememory $70,212
Dec 21, 2016Assassin’s Creed $125,000,000$10,278,225$54,647,948$240,759,682
Dec 2, 2016Incarnate $5,000,000$2,534,884$4,799,774$9,371,036
Aug 19, 2016Final Fantasy XV: Kingsglaive $119,801$269,980$6,479,980

Note: this list contains movies that match all selected keywords and one of each of the selected classifications.

Current Filters (Click to remove)

Magical Technology - PG-13 (MPAA Rating)

Related Keywords (Click to add to filter)

Action Adventure2 - Early / Simultaneous Video-on-Demand release2 - IMAX: DMR2 - Inventor2 - Motion Capture Performance2 - Royalty2

Genres (Click to add to filter)

Action2 - Adventure1 - Comedy1 - Drama1 - Horror2

Creative Types (Click to add to filter)

Contemporary Fiction3 - Fantasy1 - Science Fiction2 - Super Hero1

Sources (Click to add to filter)

Based on Comic/Graphic Novel1 - Based on Game2 - Original Screenplay3 - Remake1

Production Methods (Click to add to filter)

Digital Animation1 - Live Action6

MPAA Ratings (Click to add to filter)

Not Rated5 - PG1 - R6